27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:46
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‘Budanov Is Capable Of Giving Mirror Answer’

‘Budanov Is Capable Of Giving Mirror Answer’

Retribution for poisoning will find the enemy.

The wife of Ukraine's spy chief Lt Gen Kyrylo Budanov, Marianna Budanova, has been poisoned. It’s clear that it was an attempt by Russia to find tools and influence the situation in Ukraine. His family has been the enemy’s target from the beginning of the invasion.

At the same time, the adversary will suffer retribution, said Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podoliak on the national telethon.

According to Podoliak, the terrorist state is trying to cause maximum panic among the people of our state.

“Poisoning is a fairly popular method of the Russian special services, especially since a number of our officials cause quite ‘strong feelings’ among the political elites of Russia,” he clarified.

In particular, the adviser believes that the Kremlin wants to bring the moral state of Ukrainians to a depressive state and, of course, create disorder in any form.

He suggested that Russia will continue to hunt Ukrainian officials. At the same time, regarding the answer for the poisoning of Marianna Budanova, Podoliak, without going into details, noted that “Kyrylo Budanov is capable of giving a mirror answer.”

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