27 July 2024, Saturday, 15:07
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'If Trembling Head Added To Bluefingers, Then Development Looks Predictable'

'If Trembling Head Added To Bluefingers, Then Development Looks Predictable'

On the realities of business in the country.

"The information about the critical situation of "Buslik" chain of shops flashed among the economic news of the latest time. In my opinion, it vividly characterises the current situation in the economy of Belarus under the dictatorship," reader Leanid from Minsk wrote to the editors of Charter97.org.

I can say about myself that we are customers of this chain. When visiting the Karona shopping centre with children, we always go to Buslik. Firstly, we like the name - it is very appropriate, because it is a real Belarusian one, which is not so often, unfortunately, found. Secondly, we often find there good items for our children, for example, clothes and shoes of the Polish brand Coccodrillo.

The company's biggest problems arose a year ago, when the authorities adopted a populist decree to limit price rises. The chain, by the way, has Polish owners who are used to adhering to the law, which is why it got into such a difficult situation.

Meanwhile, their Russian competitors like Wildberries are not suffering, as they use all sorts of cunning schemes, leaving most of their profits in Russia. Under such conditions, the predatory Moscow mutant eagle will mercilessly peck the defenceless stork, i.e. the nimble, fake and unburdened with conscience Russian entrepreneurs will squeeze our Belarusian and Western businessmen out of the market.

The conclusion is obvious. If a trembling head has been added to the blue fingers of the regime leader, the development of events looks predictable. The longer the Lukashist junta stays in power, the greater will be the political and economic dependence on Moscow, which poses a threat to the very existence of Belarus.

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