27 July 2024, Saturday, 15:13
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Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service General Unveils Insights Into Operation Targeting Putin’s Liquidation

Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service General Unveils Insights Into Operation Targeting Putin’s Liquidation

Agents were introduced into the environment of the head of the Kremlin.

The physical elimination of Russian President Vladimir Putin will become possible only when the intelligence services of Western states receive reliable information about the Kremlin’s plans to launch a nuclear strike on the territory of Europe, the United States or one of their closest allies.

This opinion was expressed on the Freedom TV channel by the former head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, General Mykola Malomuzh.

According to him, now “the task is different.”

“Neither the Americans, nor the British, nor the French, nor the Germans, nor, especially, other countries are planning this. Not because they can't do it. They have a fundamentally different position. They will not agree to carry out a terrorist sabotage action against the leader of a country like Russia. They have this clearly enshrined in legislation,” said Mykola Malomuzh.

He noted that this option can only be considered as a scenario.

“They won’t do that now, because it’s not profitable for the United States and NATO to simply remove Putin, [replacing] him with someone else, more radical,” the general said, recalling that during the Prigozhin rebellion, Western intelligence agencies warned that Putin was still better than Prigozhin.

Is it difficult to kill Putin?

The former head of the FIS noted that all Russian special services are involved in the issue of Putin’s personal security, regardless of their profile. Moreover, these services even keep each other under control.

However, according to Malomuzh, despite all the security measures taken by Putin’s guards, it is still possible to eliminate him. Such a task is entirely within the capabilities of any “big” foreign intelligence service if confirmed information appears about the Kremlin’s plans to launch a nuclear strike on the territory of Europe, the United States or any of their closest allies in other regions of the world.

To eliminate Putin, according to him, Western intelligence services will not need to send any sabotage groups into Russia — the task can be carried out by the agents who have long been in the circle of the Russian dictator.

Also, in such a situation, the West may support a group of rebels in Putin’s encirclement, who are not directly connected with Western intelligence services, but also want to eliminate him in order to prevent a nuclear war.

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