27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:48
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Tsikhanouskaya’s Coordination Council Calls On The West To Negotiate With Lukashenka Regime

Tsikhanouskaya’s Coordination Council Calls On The West To Negotiate With Lukashenka Regime

Immoral human trafficking has begun.

The structures close to Tsikhanouskaya’s office are preparing a “dialogue” with the Lukashenka regime.

Activist of the European Belarus civil campaign, husband of political prisoner Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk Andrei Sharenda told on Facebook how structures close to Tsikhanouskaya’s office are preparing a “dialogue” with the Lukashenka regime.

— Today in Warsaw, hearings of the “coordination council” (a self-appointed structure close to Tsikhanovskaya’s office — edit.) “on the release of political prisoners” began. I was invited to take part there, but I refused. It turned out that the only purpose of convening this meeting was to legalize negotiations with dictator Lukashenka. The resolution to start negotiations with him has already been prepared in advance. They decided to invite participants simply to give themselves greater status.

Here are excerpts from the future “resolution”:

Stating that the political system in Belarus remains stable in the short and medium term, recognizing that international pressure itself has exhausted its potential:u

— Sanctions pressure can be neither the only nor the main instrument in the release of political prisoners, since it has limited effectiveness;

— One of the most effective methods for liberation is negotiations;

— At the same time, no price can be “too high” when it comes to the release of political prisoners;

“We also call for constructive restraint from criticism of attempts at liberation and, in particular, not to discredit the negotiation process by labeling them with concepts such as “human trafficking,” etc.

After three years of inaction, the “coordination council” decided to help dictator Lukashenka “turn the page”, and try to start negotiations with him.

By allowing Lukashenka to start bargaining with the West, a bargain in which this political terrorist uses people as a means of exchange to continue his criminal rule, all the efforts of the Belarusian society for three years are actually nullified.

Negotiations with a terrorist will nullify the deaths of Belarusians who fought for freedom and died at the hands of a tyrant in recent years. Those responsible for the death of Vitold Ashurak, Raman Bandarenka, Ales Pushkin and our other heroes will never be punished.

The sacrifice of many hundreds of political prisoners suffering for the idea in prisons will be nullified. The only terrible consequence of such “negotiations” will be the further systematization of repression, its deepening and justification for the dictator’s regime. Lukashenka and his entourage will be convinced of the rightfulness of their chosen tactics, and will continue to trade in the health and lives of people, only now not just individual political prisoners, but thousands. In place of one released person, dozens, if not hundreds of new innocent people will be imprisoned.

Just yesterday Palina’s message to all of us reached me: “We must all continue to fight, otherwise the suffering of political prisoners will be in vain! And kick out all the negotiators!”

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