15 March 2025, Saturday, 0:52
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Maduro Says Venezuelans Vote For War With Guyana

Maduro Says Venezuelans Vote For War With Guyana

The dictator prepares for war.

A "referendum" was held in Venezuela. It was about territorial claims to neighbouring Guyana.

It was initiated by the dictator Nicolas Maduro. According to the pro-regime National Electoral Council, 95 per cent of those who voted were in favour of creating the state of Guyana-Essekibo and incorporating it into Venezuela, with Venezuelan identity cards for citizens living in the territory. "The referendum was consultative.

Maduro has already described the plebiscite as a 'victory for the Venezuelan people' and the losers as 'the government of Guyana, ExxonMobil and the US empire'. He also said he would "go with the hero of the national liberation struggle, Simon Bolivar, to liberate Guyana-Essekibo".

The dispute between Venezuela and Guyana over territory west of the Essequibo River dates back to the late 19th century. The area makes up more than two-thirds of Guyana's territory. It escalated in 2015 following the discovery of oil fields.

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