27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:07
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Speaker Of US House Of Representatives Delivers Ultimatum To Biden

Speaker Of US House Of Representatives Delivers Ultimatum To Biden

On the issue of military aid for Ukraine.

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Michael Johnson said that Congress is ready to help Ukraine with arms in 2024 if President Joe Biden reconsiders opening the borders to refugees.

Today, mass emigration inside the United States should worry Americans more than war on another continent, because their own home is at risk.

Such an ultimatum was reported by FoxNews.

It pointed out that on December 5, Johnson sent an official letter to the White House.

"The provision of military assistance to Ukraine directly depends on the implementation of reforms in relation to emigrants," stated the text of the appeal to Biden.

Such a position has already been commented on in Kyiv. People's Deputy from the "Voice" faction Yaroslav Zheleznyak is convinced that the vote about the support of Ukraine with arms in Congress will fail.

"So tomorrow they will remove the issue of $106 billion for us, Israel and Taiwan from the vote ... or fail and will try to find a new option with the border between the United States and Mexico," believes the politician.

It is noted that the US has invested more than $100 billion to help Ukraine resist occupiers from Russia. However, Republicans are increasingly wondering why this money is not spent at home.

We remind you, the day before Johnson suddenly changed his position on the issue of maintaining military aid to Ukraine. Now he has become the main supporter of its allocation.

"We can not allow Vladimir Putin to march across Europe, and we understand the need for assistance," the American media reported his loud statement.

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