27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:41
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'Kornet's Men Exploding In Close Pattern'

'Kornet's Men Exploding In Close Pattern'

The details about the liquidation of high-ranking collaborant Popov in Luhansk became known.

Unknown persons are mopping up the team of the former "LPR Interior Minister" Igor Kornet.

The "deputy" Oleg Popov, who was blown up in his car yesterday, was his close associate.

This was reported by the Russian military and well-known Z-war correspondent Yegor Guzenko "Thirteen", informs Dialogue.UA.

"The people from Kornet's team are "exploding" very strangely... In close pattern. Turn on your head! The war," wrote Guzenko.

It should be noted that less than a month ago the ex-head of the "people's militia" of the "LPR" Mikhail Filiponenko was blown up in the same occupied Luhansk. He was also Kornet's close associate.

Kornet himself also survived an assassination attempt in the current 2023. Unknown persons tried to blow him up in May, but the collaborator managed to survive. After that, he mysteriously disappeared, no information about him has been available until now.

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