Russian Tank’ Last Minutes In Eastern Ukraine Caught On Video
4- 8.02.2023, 13:01
- 11,552
The armored car of the Russian Federation tried to attack the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but itself became the object of a “hunt”.
The armored car of the Russian Federation tried to attack the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but itself became the object of a “hunt”.
ReplyОни думали, что в движении в них не попадут
ReplyКалi ласка,як мага больш рабiце такiх здымкау,у мяне выпрацовываецца гармон счасцця-серотонiн.
Reply"И дорогая не узнает,какой у танкиста был конец"
Жаль, что не отжали целым по "ленд-лизу'' от ваты