29 July 2024, Monday, 2:26
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Armed Forces Of Ukraine Colonel Tells How To Destroy Russia's Black Sea Fleet

Armed Forces Of Ukraine Colonel Tells How To Destroy Russia's Black Sea Fleet

He recalled the Moskva cruiser.

The Russian Black Sea Fleet can be destroyed with what Ukraine already has. We are talking about cruise missiles reaching large targets. Like Storm Shadow, Harpoon or Neptune. This opinion was voiced to Channel 24 by Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in reserve, military expert and instructor pilot Roman Svitan.

So, it is possible to defeat the ships of the invaders both with ground-based Harpoon or Neptune missiles, and with air ones. Harpoon can be used from the air. Then the radius of destruction of the missile can be summed up with the combat radius of the aircraft, and this is almost a thousand kilometers. This is already a big problem for any fleet.

"It is not easy, but not problematic, to sink Russian ships with the help of aircraft and such missiles. When certain tasks are performed and the operation is carried out correctly, for example, with the Moskva cruiser, this can be repeated with respect to the rest of the fleet," the Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine noted.

In his opinion, the Ukrainians only need a certain number of aircraft and missiles. So, if MiG-29 planes are handed over to Ukraine, then they must carry these missiles.

In addition, the issue of how to hang HARM anti-radar missiles on MiG-29 and Su-27 aircraft was previously resolved. And for more than six months they have been destroying enemy air defense systems. Consequently, such a decision will also be made for the MiG-29s, which are going to be transferred to us in order to work with more long-range missiles.

"Everything depends not on the provision of aircraft itself, but on the missiles that these aircraft can carry. There is an option that they will be able to carry the AIM-120 AMRAAM — this is an air-to-air missile for destroying aircraft and cruise missiles. This is the same missile that is used by NASAMS," the military expert said.

He summed up that Ukraine will be able to work from these aircraft on the Russian Black Sea Fleet. It is just necessary to figure out how to install them on these MiG-29s. However, according to Svitan, this issue will be resolved within a week after the planes arrive in Ukraine.

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