27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:49
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Drones That Attacked Dzankoy Had Memes Painted On Them

Drones That Attacked Dzankoy Had Memes Painted On Them

The Russian invaders threw a tantrum because of the “trolling”.

Memes were drawn on the drones that attacked Dzhankoy in the Russian-occupied Crimea on the evening of March 20 and tonight. A photo of the wreckage, which shows this, was published by Oleg Kryuchkov, “adviser to the head of the Crimea,” reports gordonua.com.

Judging by the images, this refers to stickers with trollface memes meaning trolling. Kryuchkov was outraged by the memes, but it is not clear when they were applied to the UAV — before takeoff or after the fall.

On March 20, local Telegram channels reported that explosions and shooting were heard in Dzhankoy. There was also information that electricity was partially lost in the city after the explosions.

The Ukrainian media noticed that in the videos published in local public, before the explosions in the city, they heard a sound similar to the robot of the Iranian Shahed-136 drone.

Radio Liberty recognized the Chinese drone SkyEye in the wreckage of one of the UAVs.

According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, as a result of explosions in Dzhankoy, Russian Caliber NK cruise missiles were destroyed during their transportation by rail.

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