27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:32
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Polish Interior Minister: If Poczobut Released Tomorrow, Bobrowniki Will Open Day After Tomorrow

Polish Interior Minister: If Poczobut Released Tomorrow, Bobrowniki Will Open Day After Tomorrow

Warsaw will continue to respond harshly to the persecution of Poles in Belarus.

Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of Poland Mariusz Kaminski commented on Lukashenka's words that Poland "grabs people to offer Russia or Belarus in exchange for someone," alluding to the detention of Belarusians from the spy network, reports rmf24.pl.

Kaminski did not comment in detail on Lukashenka's words. However, he stated that the latter "received a very clear signal".

"If Andrzej Poczobut is released tomorrow, the crossing in Bobrowniki will be opened the day after tomorrow," he said briefly.

At the same time, he warned that if the Belarusian authorities take further actions against the Polish state or against Polish citizens, Warsaw will "react very harshly".

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