27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:05
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Valery Sakhashchyk: It's Time To Act

Valery Sakhashchyk: It's Time To Act

Former commander of the 38th Airborne Brigade addressed the military in connection with the deployment of Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus.

Former commander of the 38th Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade in Brest Valery Sakhashchyk called the agreement of Putin and Lukashenka on the deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus "a black day for our country". The ex-military on his YouTube channel pointed out that Belarus is already on the list of dictators and aggressor countries.

Sakhashchyk says deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus is an unprovoked act of escalation, unprecedented "even compared to the threat of Belarusian soldiers' involvement in a criminal war against Ukraine". The politician also recalls that the depleted uranium ammunition (the announcement of the delivery of which to Ukraine became a reason for Putin to send nuclear warheads to Belarus) has nothing to do with nuclear weapons.

Sakhashchyk says that after the deployment of weapons of mass destruction in Belarus, the country would automatically become an accomplice of nuclear terrorism. Since the nuclear warheads on the Belarusian territory will remain under the control of the Russian military, the politician notes, nothing will prevent them from delivering a nuclear strike, making the Belarusians "hostages to a retaliatory strike". The politician warned that the missile arsenal of our neighbours "will now be aimed at Minsk in order to ensure their own safety.

- Are you sure you are ready to trade the security of our fellow citizens for the ambitions of some political losers? Valery Sakhashchyk asked the leadership of the Security Council, Defense Ministry and General Staff.

He urged the Belarusian military "to recall their oath and perform their duties according to the regulations".

- We all have not much time left to make the right decision. According to our information, the construction of the nuclear weapons storage facility will be completed by July 1. After that it will be too late," Sakhashchyk sums up.

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