27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:07
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Girkin Predicts ‘Leap’ At Front, Leading to Russia’s Collapse

Girkin Predicts ‘Leap’ At Front, Leading to Russia’s Collapse

The wait will not be long.

The Russian army was on the verge of defeat in the war against Ukraine. Soon the occupiers will start unraveling. This was hinted at on April 1 by the saboteur of the FSB of the Russian Federation, a convicted war criminal Igor Girkin (Strelkov), reports dialog.ua.

He noted that he had practically stopped commenting on the situation at the fronts, since there is now a certain stabilization of the situation, but with a negative trend for the RF Armed Forces.

“The situation at the front and in the rear is not objectively changing, it is steadily and predictably deteriorating. Therefore, I patiently wait for the next “qualitative leap” to replace the current ... stagnation. According to my information, and according to my feelings, the wait will not be long,” wrote Strelkov.

Apparently, the Russian saboteur is worried about the upcoming Ukrainian counteroffensive. In recent months, Kyiv, with the help of the allies, has been accumulating equipment and ammunition, and forming a large “armored fist” to break through the Russian front.

There is a high probability that the Russian defense will not withstand. It is expected that a large counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will begin in April-May.

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