27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:15
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Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk’s Life In Danger

Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk’s Life In Danger

As a sign of protest against torture, the political prisoner renounces the citizenship of Belarus.

A few days ago, the mother of Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk once again received a postal return of the medical parcel containing the necessary medicines for Palina. The activist of the European Belarus civil campaign has not been receiving the medicines necessary for the functioning of the liver for more than a year. It became known that she was transferred from the penal colony #24 (Zarechcha) to undergo a forensic psychiatric examination. Palina's whereabouts are currently unknown. Andrei Sharenda, the husband of the political prisoner, told Charter97.org about this.

“Enormous physical pressure continues on Palina, she is actually constantly held in a punishment cell. In the last 5 months alone, she spent 120 days in the terrible conditions of the punishment cell, and in just an incomplete year of her stay in colony #24 — more than 200 days. And this is without taking into account the months spent in the cell-type premises, where conditions are not much better than in a punishment cell. They are killing Palina, slowly but deliberately. Her body is so exhausted that it is already difficult for her to walk. Due to the lack of sunlight, Palina's eyesight deteriorated greatly.

Palina understands that life is being pulled out of her, she tries to resist. It must be borne in mind that she is a woman, and it is much more difficult for a woman to mutilate her body, as it is usually done by prisoners driven to the limit. But she cannot leave endless torture unanswered.

Palina renounces Belarusian citizenship, she filed an official appeal. She refuses the Belarusian passport with the Stalin coat of arms on the cover, and no longer wants to have anything to do with the occupation regime established in Belarus. The regime that destroys the independence of Belarus. The regime that participates in the occupation war. The regime that kills her and other political prisoners in prisons. From the moment of renunciation of citizenship, Palina ceases to consider herself subject to any laws of the occupying power, refuses to fulfill all the requirements. Palina also completely refuses to obey the administration of the colony, the court and other law enforcement agencies. Palina emphasizes that she remains a Belarusian and a patriot of her homeland — Belarus, and will fight for her freedom until the end of her life. Palina asks international humanitarian and human rights organizations to follow her fate, to do everything possible to release her and all political prisoners. Palina also asks independent media to spread her appeal about renunciation of the citizenship of the occupying power that seized Belarus,” Andrei Sharenda said.

Important to note, Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk was sentenced to two years in prison.

The activist of the European Belarus civil campaign is now in a colony in the urban settlements of Zarechcha (Homel region). Her lawyer was allowed to see her two weeks ago. However, the lawyer signed a non-disclosure agreement. Palina remains in complete isolation. In the colony, Palina's health deteriorated sharply.

As the Charter97.org website reported earlier, deputies of the European Parliament from the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) faction called for the release of Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk, the activist of the European Belarus civil campaign.

You can support the political prisoner by sending her a letter at the following address: Palina Siarheyeuna Sharenda-Panasiuk, penal colony #24, 247526, Proizvodstvennaya Street, 44, Zarechcha, Rechytsa district, Homel region.

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