27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:57
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Anzhalika Borys Will Become Honorary Citizen Of Poznań

Anzhalika Borys Will Become Honorary Citizen Of Poznań

The decision was made by the council of the Polish city.

Former political prisoner and the leader of the Union of Poles in Belarus Anzhalika Borys will become an honorary citizen of the Polish city of Poznań. Deputies of the city council of the city decided to award this title to her, according to Polskie Radio.

Recall that Anzhalika Borys was detained in Hrodna on March 23, 2021, later it became known that she became a defendant in the case under Part 3 of Art. 130 of the Criminal Code on actions "aimed at inciting hatred, the rehabilitation of Nazism".

On March 25, 2022, Borys changed the preventive measure and transferred her from the pre-trial detention center to home arrest. It is known that she did not write petitions for mercy.

In early April 2023, information appeared that Borys was released from home arrest: she was handed a document ending the case "due to the lack of corpus delicti". They also promised to give back all her belongings that were taken during the investigation.

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