27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:27
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Solovyov Pounces On Girkin For 'Inconvenient Truth' From Frontline

Solovyov Pounces On Girkin For 'Inconvenient Truth' From Frontline

The propagandist threw a tantrum during a live broadcast.

The nervousness in Russia continues to escalate - Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov has criticised his colleagues who reported "inconvenient information" about heavy fighting by the Russian Armed Forces around occupied Donetsk in the settlements of Vodyane and Opytne.

Moreover, Solovyov was outraged that the Russian propagandists quoted information from saboteur Igor Strelkov-Girkin, who has a long-standing and heavy conflict with the propagandist, reports dialog.ua.

In a live broadcast, Solovyov pounced with insults on Girkin, who said that he had no real information about the situation at the front.

At the same time, the former "DPR" mercenary regularly publishes information about heavy losses of the Russian army and butchery assaults, which the official Russian propaganda does not like very much.

"I read: as of 20:00, fighting in the village of Opytne, the enemy stormed into the village, an attempt to cut off our units in Vodyane. Reports I. Strelkov. Are you guys out of your minds? Who are you quoting?! Strelkov is hundreds of kilometres away from the battlefield! He doesn't know a shit, he doesn't understand anything! A piece of shit who couldn't find the front line. And you just take it and quote it to the whole country, to all your subscribers!" Solovyov stated.

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