27 July 2024, Saturday, 14:53
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'They Couldn't Come Out Any More'

'They Couldn't Come Out Any More'

Z-military correspondent told about the defeat of the Russians near Bakhmut.

The AFU smash the Russians on the Bakhmut front, taking advantage of the mistakes of the incompetent command of the Russian army.

A Russian Z-war correspondent described how for the last 10 days the Russian military has been throwing hordes of assault troops at Ukrainian positions near Andriivka and Kleshchiivka, who died in senseless "meat attacks", writes Dialog

The Russians died trying to stop the AFU offensive, but to no avail. Moreover, the Ukrainian army units not only effectively repulsed an attempted counterattack by the Russian forces, but are preparing a new operation in the area of the railway and the northern part of Kurdyumivka with the seizure of the Rockade road.

The Russian military correspondent also described how the Storm Z unit, which had been sent to storm the Ukrainian positions, managed to get a grip on the ruins in Andriivka during the attack, but the Russian paratroopers were unable to get to their aid, after which the AFU simply interrupted the Russians who had broken through.

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