27 September 2024, Friday, 1:32
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Vladivostok Residents Get Hysterical Over Explosions And Electricity Cut Off

Vladivostok Residents Get Hysterical Over Explosions And Electricity Cut Off

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Residents of the Russian city of Vladivostok complained about the explosions, which thundered at two electrical substations at once.

A number of houses were left without electricity. This was reported by the Russian Telegram channel ASTRA.

It is clarified that substations on Novozhilov and Bukhta Tikhaya are on fire. Local residents report that at one point there was an explosion and flash in the area of Feodosiyskaya Street. After this, the entire area was left without electricity.

Local online public pages write: “In Vladivostok, a substation on Tikhaya is on fire, there is no power in the area, 4 fire trucks have already passed by. More than 250 houses were left without electricity!”; “The short circuit could be seen and heard from the farthest corners of the area.”

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