27 July 2024, Saturday, 2:29
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Israel Calls Lavrov Down

Israel Calls Lavrov Down

At a meeting of the UN Security Council.

Russia cooperates with Iran, which is recognized as a sponsor of terrorism. Russia uses Iranian drones to kill peaceful Ukrainians.

This was stated by the Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN, Gilad Erdan, at a meeting of the Security Council on January 22. The Security Council was convened at the request of Russia to discuss the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

“As we all know, Iranian drones are used by Russia to kill civilians in Ukraine. The Iranian terror will reach all of us, every one of us knows it. Even Russia, which cooperates with Iran," said the Permanent Representative of Israel.

Thus, Erdan replaced the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergei Lavrov, who in his speech accused the West of pushing Kyiv to continue the war with Russia by supplying weapons to Ukraine.

According to Lavrov, in order to "establish justice", Western countries should stop helping Ukraine. At the same time, he completely ignored the fact that it was Russia that attacked Ukraine and was forced to defend its territories.

Israel's news - read on the website «Detaly».

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