7 September 2024, Saturday, 14:23
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Propagandists Howling Over What Russia Did To Donbas

Propagandists Howling Over What Russia Did To Donbas

“No words can describe it”.

In 2014, when the occupiers annexed the Crimea and sparked a war in the Donbas, residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions were promised a better life.

However, it turned out that in fact the Russian Federation left the residents of Eastern Ukraine without electricity, water, heating, mobile communications and affordable food.

Everything that was a commonplace issue before 2014 has become a dream by 2024.

Propagandist Maryana Naumova spoke about this on Russian Channel One, dialog.ua reports.

According to her, the people who remain in these places simply dream that all this civilization that they had under Ukraine will return to them.

“Words can’t describe it when people just wish for a light bulb to turn on at home. They dream about the most everyday things. About normal communications, light, water, about a store that will finally start operating in their village,” the propagandist says with a malicious green.

Naumova also confirmed that in the occupied cities of the Donbas, neither schools nor kindergartens have been operating in the occupied cities of the Donbas since the beginning of Putin’s “special military operation”. The children have lost the habit of communicating with their peers and are happy about a chocolate presented by the Russians.

In November it was reported that a significant part of the Donbas, occupied by the Russian army, was without power.

Denys Pushilin announced a massive “attack on the energy system,” which Russian air defense failed to repel.

And in December, after heavy snowfall, the apocalypse began in the occupied city of Snizhne, Donetsk region.

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