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Belarusian Banks Introduce Large-Scale Changes

Belarusian Banks Introduce Large-Scale Changes

Some of them will concern the rates on loans and foreign currency deposits.

Belarusian banks have updated the terms of money-backs, launched instant transfers, extended reduced rates on loans, closed deposits in dollars and euros, and continued the life of old cards, writes banki24.by.

Alfa-Bank said that sales of bank deposit agreements of the following types will be closed from January 4:

Alfa-Deposit (revocable) in US dollars for 18, 36 months;

Alfa-Private (irrevocable) in US dollars for 3, 15 months;

Alfa-Private (irrevocable) in euros for 5 months;

Alfa-Deposit (irrevocable) in USD for 3, 5, 7, 15, 55 months;

Alfa-Deposit (irrevocable) in euros for 3, 5, 7, 15, 25, 55 months.

The bank specified that since January 4, there has been no prolongation of bank deposit agreements, for which this option was selected: "Alfa-Deposit" (irrevocable) in U.S. dollars for 5, 7 months, "Alfa-Deposit" (irrevocable) in euro for 7 months.

Belarusbank reported that the bank extends the period of fixing the refinancing rate at 9.25% per annum until the end of 2024 under loan agreements for real estate financing, concluded before May 31, 2022.

The additional agreement to the loan agreement is concluded by accepting the offer posted on the bank's corporate website. Acceptance of the offer is confirmed by making the next payment of interest for the use of the loan in the changed amount.

Belahraprombank said that transfers via the Instant Payment System (IPS) are available in the updated version of mobile Internet banking (Android - 3.47, iOS - 2.47).

The service is available for customers who use the bank's mobile application and have a current (settlement) bank account in BYN (without using a card), including those opened through the bank's remote service systems. The fee for sending a transfer to IPS is charged at the rate of 1.5% of the transfer amount, minimum 1 BYN.

BNB-Bank said that in January, all holders of "Med" account in "Eplus" will receive money-back for purchases in Euraopt and Hit! shops: new holders - 5%, and those who connected earlier - 1%.

With "Med" customers will receive:

1) money-back up to 5% from BNB-Bank for each purchase until January 31. The bonus from the bank will come until February 10;

2) double bonuses under the Eplus bonus programme in Euraopt shops: they can be used for the next purchase;

3) additional codes in the "Luck On Top!" game from Euraopt (when shopping at Euraopt and Hit!).

BNB-Bank also informed that since January 3, customers can make transfers in Belarusian rubles to customers of other banks in Belarus in real time by phone number using the system of instant payments.

Bank BelVEB informed that in January it will provide customers with an increased 5% money-back on entertainment.

Money-back of 5% will be credited to holders of bank cards in packages of services of the "All" line and credit cards when paying for services in trade and service organisations with the following MCC codes: 5971 (galleries and art mediators), 7911 (dance halls, schools and studios), 7832 (cinemas), 7932 (billiards), 7933 (bowling), 7996 (amusement parks, carnivals, circuses), 7998 (dolphinariums, zoos).

In order to get the maximum money-back in the packages of "All Optimal", "All Premium" or "All Maximum", you need to set your favourite categories in the UP mobile application. To do this, you need to update the UP mobile application to the latest version and select your favourite categories depending on your preferences.

MTBank informed that the instant payment system has been introduced in Moby. To transfer to another bank's card, you will only need its name and the recipient's phone number. It is stated that the system of instant payments works 24/7, and the functionality allows you to send and receive transfers.

The commission for instant transfers by phone number to cards of other banks is 1.5%. The minimum commission is 3 BYN. You can send no less than 5 BYN.

Sber Bank reported that it extends the work of Visa and Mastercard cards, which expire between January 31 and June 30, 2024. Cards can continue to be used for 2 more years from the date of expiry without physical reissue and application to the bank office.

The extension is available for personal, pension and salary cards of Classic, Standard, Gold, Platinum, Infinite and Black Edition levels (including Compass Black Edition), as well as cards within the CardFUN and Fun Platinum products, Sberbank First and Premium packages. Other cards and cards issued by proxy cannot be extended.

In order to prolong the card's operation, its activation will be required. After the card expires, the cardholder will need to check the card balance at an ATM of any bank (the service is free of charge). After that, the card can be used for another 2 years, and the new expiry date will be displayed in SberBank Online mobile and internet banking. The extension will be free of charge and all current tariffs will remain the same.

Extended cards will retain the same set of features: you can use them to make contactless payments in shops, withdraw cash, make p2p-transfers, payments in ERIP and purchases in Belarusian online shops. When paying online with the extended card, one will have to enter the expiry date printed on the plastic card.

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