27 July 2024, Saturday, 15:03
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'Even Solovyov Shot Report': Z-Channels Reveal Details Of Defeat In Volnovakha

'Even Solovyov Shot Report': Z-Channels Reveal Details Of Defeat In Volnovakha

They feared to mention the name of the guilty general openly.

Russian occupiers have celebrated the capture of Avdiivka - they brought out more than 60 mobilised soldiers for the assembly at the firing range near Volnovakha, after which the cluster was struck.

Russian military officer Yegor Guzenko (known under the nickname "Thirteen") confirmed on his TG-channel the death of 65 occupants from the 29th army corps of the Russian Federation at the training range in the village of Trudovske near Volnovakha, reports dialog.ua.

The occupier called Commander Moiseyev, about whom the propagandist Solovyov had made a report, the perpetrator of the "tragedy".

However, after the public confession, Guzenko got scared and removed his surname from the post, but it was too late.

"65 lives, 65 guys will not come home alive because of the whim of a staff ghoul, and that's just as of this morning, the figure is probably different now," he wrote in the edited text.

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