27 July 2024, Saturday, 14:57
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Latvia Preparing To Nationalize ‘Byelorussia’ Sanatorium

Latvia Preparing To Nationalize ‘Byelorussia’ Sanatorium

Various options are being considered.

The Latvian Ministry of Justice continues to look for solutions that would allow the sanatoriums “Yantarny Bereg” and “Byelorussia” owned by Russia and Belarus to become state property, Delfi reports.

Earlier in Latvia, a bill was prepared to transfer the House of Moscow into state ownership. However, it is noted that solutions for sanatoriums should be different.

Now the health resorts are not operating, in addition, no activity has been identified in them that poses a threat to national security, which is one of the reasons for the alienation of the “House of Moscow”.

The Ministry of Justice stated that in order to take over property, a solid legal basis is necessary so that the decision will not be challenged in court. In the event that the Ministry of Justice receives information from law enforcement agencies about a direct or indirect threat to national security that is associated with these objects, the Ministry will act accordingly. The Ministry of Justice continues to search for legal solutions for the alienation of sanatoriums.

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