27 July 2024, Saturday, 14:55
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Germany Discloses Detailed Plan Of Russia's Attack On NATO

Germany Discloses Detailed Plan Of Russia's Attack On NATO

It has four stages.

The German government has prepared a plan for a possible Russian attack on the country, which will consist of four stages, Bild writes, citing a 13-page document entitled "Civil Defence Risk Analysis".

At the first stage, Russia is expected to launch a disinformation campaign in the media and social media in order to achieve "a split among the population, destabilize society and undermine confidence in free democracy." This process will be accompanied by cyber attacks on power plants, dams and other important facilities. Due to the secrecy of operations, some actions will be difficult to attribute unambiguously to Russia, the document reads.

At the second stage, Russia will concentrate troops near the NATO borders, and the allies will strengthen the border forces in response. The number of cyberattacks and sabotage will increase to delay the movement of NATO armies. Russia will also try to disable space satellites. Attacks on nuclear reactors, chemical enterprises and hydraulic system in Germany are not excluded.

During the third stage, Russia will begin to launch precision strikes using conventional and non-conventional weapons. "Targets on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, will be targeted" the document reads. At the same time, a large number of space satellites will be destroyed.

The fourth stage of the conflict: Russian troops will break through to the borders of Germany. Combat operations will be conducted on the territory of the country, in the air and at sea. In addition, the war will spread to space, where a “global conflict” will take place for the first time.

If Russia attacks Germany, it will be "a fundamental change in the security situation for the whole of Europe," the document emphasizes. According to the authors of the report, the described plan of attack "is a probable scenario."

Prior to this, the German Ministry of Defence in one of the secret reports admitted that Russia could attack the eastern flank of NATO in the summer of 2025. Before that, as the Bundeswehr suggests, Moscow will announce another wave of mobilization and draft another 200,000 troops. Then Russia will stage a "firstly covert, and then open" attack on the West, after which a direct clash of forces of the North Atlantic Alliance with the Russian army is possible.

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