6 October 2024, Sunday, 12:57
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'Rail Partisan' From Svetlahorsk To Be Tried Again

'Rail Partisan' From Svetlahorsk To Be Tried Again

For what this time?

The "rail partisan" from Svetlahorsk, Dzianis Dzikun, will be tried again, Homel human rights activists report. This time Dzianis, already sentenced to 23 years of imprisonment, is accused of "malicious disobedience to the demands of the administration of the correctional facility".

On March 25, the trial of political prisoner Dzianis Dzikun, "rail partisan" from Svetlahorsk, will be held in Horki.

This time the administration of the colony, where Dzianis is serving his sentence, accuses him under Article 411 part 2 of the Criminal Code (malicious disobedience to the demands of the administration of the penitentiary). The case will be considered by judge Natallia Famichova.

On December 27, 2022, Dzianis Dzikun was sentenced to 23 years of imprisonment in conditions of reinforced regime in the case of "rail partisans".

On April 6, 2023 he was transferred from pre-trial detention centre No. 3 in Homel to the correctional colony No. 9 in Horki, Mahiliou region. In the colony Dzianis was immediately placed in a punitive confinement centre.

After the term expired, he was transferred to the detachment, but then he was sent back to the punishment cell several times.

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