Nick And Mike: Bad Week Is Awaiting Lukashenka
7- 3.03.2024, 15:47
- 21,138
The more rewards, the closer the end.
The coming week will be quite difficult for Lukashenka, writes Nick and Mike on Telegram.
It is necessary to deal with the personnel since it is necessary to have time to reboot the "house" by the end of March. This means employment for about 80 idlers, and it’s better not to get them involved in serious cases.
Please note that the "deputies" were instructed to be awarded. Lukashenka distributes awards in packs to maintain loyalty. The more rewards, the closer the end of the empire.
It will also be necessary to deal with the accumulated dirt of a criminal nature on entire networks of regional officials. This is a difficult piece of "personnel work". It’s necessary to decide who will be thrown in jail, who should be ruined financially, and who can still enjoy freedom.
There is also the Kremlin, which is still alive. Putin called, just to "chat", since no one in the world is discussing the "grandiose message", and Tucker Carlson was forced to admit that the most important part of the interview with the “cigarette butt” [dictator Putin - Ed.] was complete nonsense. However, you need to prepare for the meeting with him in the format of participation in the coronation.