27 July 2024, Saturday, 15:02
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Reuters: AFU Make Important Breakthrough In Kharkiv Region

Reuters: AFU Make Important Breakthrough In Kharkiv Region

The U.S. military aid has started to play a role.

Ukrainian defenders, who are now defending the frontiers in Kharkiv region, have stated a decrease in the shortage of shells after the resumption of military aid from the United States.

Reuters writes about it.

The AFU military, who are now fighting in the northern districts of Kharkiv region, note their higher intensity compared to the operation near Bakhmut in 2023. At the same time, Ukrainian defenders say there is a reduction in the catastrophic shortage of shells.

Howitzer gunner of the 92nd separate assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Pavlo says that he used to defend Ukraine near Bakhmut, but now their unit has been moved to Kharkiv region.

"It is much 'hotter' here. We had no shells there, but here at least we have shells, they have started to bring them in. There is something to work with, something to fight with," the serviceman added.

Vitaly, commander of the brigade's artillery unit, is convinced that there will be no shortage of shells, because everyone understands the importance of holding the defence.

"So, we will get ammunition, because we are confronting a large and serious grouping of the enemy. If we now demonstrate that we are capable in such an extreme situation to stop the large-scale enemy offensive on Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, the enemy will not even dare to think about an offensive on Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy or Poltava region," he said.

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