28 September 2024, Saturday, 21:48
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‘Staggering’: Analysts Talk About Monthly Tank Losses in Ukraine and Russia

‘Staggering’: Analysts Talk About Monthly Tank Losses in Ukraine and Russia

A good trend has emerged for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In the last month, there has been a significant increase in visually confirmed tank losses on the Russian side compared to Ukraine, exceeding the 5 to 1 ratio. This data is noted in an analytical chart published by OSINT analyst Cyrus on the X social network, who based his conclusions on the research of political scientist Ragnar Gudmundsson and OSINT analyst Andrew Perpetua.

“The 5.2:1 tank loss ratio is staggering,” Cyrus comments.

According to the analyst, since August 2023, the ratio of tank losses was 3 to 1 in favor of the Ukrainian armed forces, but over the last three months this figure has increased significantly.

Military observer Yigal Levin responded to this analysis, emphasizing that the increase in losses on the Russian side is beneficial for Ukraine.

“Naturally, Ukraine has far fewer tanks, even taking into account hundreds of units transferred by allies and captured on the battlefield. However, the increasing gap in losses is a very good trend in a war of attrition,” he noted.

According to the latest information from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since the beginning of the invasion, the Russian side has lost 8,019 tanks.

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