29 September 2024, Sunday, 1:32
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Media: Gerasimov Asks For Resignation After ICC Warrant Issued

Media: Gerasimov Asks For Resignation After ICC Warrant Issued

How did Putin react?

After the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for the arrest of Valery Gerasimov, the chief of the Russian General Staff, he, in his turn, asked for a meeting with Putin, but was denied, dialog.ua reported.

A few days ago, when Gerasimov already knew for sure how events would unfold, he tried to meet with Putin, but the Kremlin chief did not agree to a face-to-face meeting, although he gave his approval for a telephone conversation, the "Kremlin Snuffbox" TG-channel wrote.

So, during the dialogue with Putin, at one point, General Gerasimov said that he would like to step aside for health reasons. At the same time, he said nothing about the arrest warrant to the head of the Kremlin. Putin did not let Gerasimov go, saying that he was needed at this time in the war.

At the same time, the report notes, it is not clear whether there was any conversation between Putin and Belousov about such a dismissal. However, the new minister believes that Gerasimov should be replaced.

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