17 July 2024, Wednesday, 16:34
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Latvia, Lithuania And Estonia Disconnect From Belarus

Latvia, Lithuania And Estonia Disconnect From Belarus

The Baltic countries are leaving the unified energy system with our country.

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will notify Belarus and Russia in the coming weeks of withdrawal from the BRELL (the Unified Energy System of Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania).

This is stated in the statement of the heads of energy departments of the three countries, which is published on the website of the Ministry of Energy of Lithuania, Current Time writes.

The BRELL energy ring links together the energy systems of the Baltic States, Russia and Belarus, allowing you to smooth out power surges in the network and dispatch energy flows through the use of different capacities.

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia decided to withdraw from this system and signed an agreement on the synchronization of networks with the EU through Poland. The exit from BRELL was planned for 2025.

The statement reads that the Baltic countries are fully ready to synchronize with the continental European power system in February next year, so soon the Belarusian and Russian authorities will be informed about the decision not to extend the contract. Postimees writes that this should be done six months before the planned exit from BRELL.

After Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the authorities of the Baltic countries explored the possibility of accelerating the transition. Lithuania called for disconnecting from BRELL as early as 2024. However, in the end, all participants in the process decided that before the completion of preparatory work and the construction of infrastructure, premature withdrawal from BRELL could lead to unstable operation of the energy systems of each of the Baltic countries.

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