18 July 2024, Thursday, 13:23
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Sign For Lukashenka

Sign For Lukashenka

Why did the ‘shaheds’ suddenly start flying into Belarus?

If it was one time, one could talk about an accident, a technical error, like: they programmed it wrong. But four times in a row is a reason for other versions.

Ukrainian experts put forward several such versions. For example, the head of the Centre for Military and Legal Studies, Aliaksandr Musienka, suggests that ‘Russia is experimenting with these drones,’ its military choosing ‘routes through Belarus in order to avoid the counteraction of mobile groups, which can, for example, shoot down Shaheds in the sky over Zhytomyr region.

Military expert Pavel Narozhny admits that ‘this may be the work of our Ukrainian electronic warfare system, which either simply jams the drone's GPS signal, or transmits some fake signals, and so it flies in some incomprehensible direction.’ It should be noted here that some drones flew into the Belarusian airspace after they had been in the Ukrainian one.

Commentators do not exclude political motives: they say that the Russian Federation wants to draw Belarus into a war by creating a casus belli on its territory.

Or maybe it's a sign from Moscow that the Minsk vassal should know his place? Because lately he has been playing a very peace-loving tune. He is hinting that he is making separate agreements with the Ukrainians and sending some signals to the West. So you should know who is really ruling your skies, and not only them.

These flights of ‘Shaheds’ are also fraught with the risk that the Ukrainians - some of their spokesmen have already announced this - in response may start using the skies over Belarus to fly their drones aimed at Russian targets. Then it will become quite fun. And sooner or later, it may explode somewhere in such a way that it won't be fun.

Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus also increase the risks that the country will be hit as a result of the Kremlin's adventure.

So while Lukashenka is drawing a threat from the Ukrainians and Poles, the real sword of Damocles is being hung over the Belarusians by the leader's favourite ally.

Aliaksandr Klaskouski, ‘Pozirk’

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