18 July 2024, Thursday, 13:35
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EU Border Locked For Belarusian Cars?

EU Border Locked For Belarusian Cars?

Only one working crossing left, but there are nuances there too.

One by one, the EU countries are closing the entry for cars with Belarusian licence plates. Latvia was the first to introduce restrictions. Since July 16, cars registered in Belarus can't enter this Baltic country. Today, Lithuania and Estonia have joined the restrictions.

Until August 16, 2024, cars registered in Belarus will still be able to enter Lithuania, if they are not for sale and belong to the citizens of Belarus with a valid visa or residence permit in Lithuania (temporary or permanent). In this case, the car must be driven by its owner. This exception does not apply to cars owned by legal entities or used for commercial purposes.

The only crossing that can be used by Belarusian drivers is ‘Brest - Terespol’ from the Polish side. However, there are restrictions there as well. Poles have stopped allowing Belarusian-registered cars through their border if there is no owner of the car in the cabin. They do not let them through even if they have a power of attorney, including a general one.

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