18 July 2024, Thursday, 15:17
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Russian Volunteers Penetrate Occupiers' Airbase And Destroy Equipment

Russian Volunteers Penetrate Occupiers' Airbase And Destroy Equipment

Details of the sabotage operation.

In the Perm Territory of the Russian Federation, fighters of the Freedom of Russia Legion, fighting on the side of Ukraine against the invaders, carried out a sabotage operation.

A video of the operation to destroy Russian equipment, which was located on the territory of the Bolshoi Savino military airfield, was published on the unit's Youtube channel.

In the video, the soldiers noted that the burned equipment will now not be able to go to the front and will not be used to transport the Russian troops.

– Now the equipment will not go to the front and will not be lucky to die for the sick ideas of the "Kremlin Dwarf" [dictator Putin - Ed.]. Thanks to the true patriots of their homeland. Further – more," the Legion said.

The Freedom of Russia Legion thanked its fighters in Russia for their contribution to the fight against the occupation troops, noting that the destruction of equipment on the territory of Russia prevents its use at the front.

"While our drones and art destroy equipment on the battlefield, you do not allow it to reach even the line of contact. We convey to each resistance fighter the gratitude and support from the legionnaires! Be brave and keep doing it – only together we will win," the representatives of the legion noted.

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