18 July 2024, Thursday, 17:23
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Vital Tsyhankou: Putin Pressing Lukashenka To Send Army To Ukraine

Vital Tsyhankou: Putin Pressing Lukashenka To Send Army To Ukraine

There has been a significant turnaround.

In recent weeks, there have been several notable political events, forming a certain logical chain, which should be analysed and comprehended, Belarusian political scientist Vital Tsyhankou writes on Facebook:

‘As early as 3 July, Lukashenka speaks of tension on the Ukrainian border and says that “recently there have allegedly been thousands of calls to military commissariats from people asking to be taken into the army and given weapons.’ Belarusian troops move to the Ukrainian border. To the appropriate howls of propaganda.

On July 13, during a visit to the 56th anti-aircraft missile regiment in Luninets district, unexpectedly, as it seems, even for his generals (the impression is that Lukashenka made this statement in such a way that no one could call him and prevent him from doing so), Lukashenka declares about ‘the elimination of tension at the border with Ukraine.’

‘Now we do not have any complications with the Ukrainians and, I hope, we will not have any in the future. Therefore, there should not be any unnecessary activities.’

The troops are indeed withdrawn, which is confirmed by both Belarusian generals and Ukrainian sources. And what's next? And then Russian drones, carrying up to 40kg of explosives, suddenly start flying over Belarus. One of them reportedly flew about 350 km across the territory of Belarus on the night of July 13 (right after Lukashenka's statement on withdrawing troops) in the direction of ‘Slavonic Bazaar’, where Lukashenka was.

Coincidence? I don't think so!

I think we are witnessing a rather significant turn. Earlier, proceeding from all public statements and actions known to us, we drew conclusions that Lukashenka had managed to convince Putin that the direct participation of Belarusian troops in the war was unnecessary.

So this state of affairs is very likely to change now. It seems that Moscow is pushing and insisting, with various hints and concrete actions, such as the ones I described above, demanding from Lukashenka to join the war.

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