22 July 2024, Monday, 16:32
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The White House Said Whether Biden Will Keep Office Until The End Of His Term

The White House Said Whether Biden Will Keep Office Until The End Of His Term

The current president will not participate in the next elections.

US President Joe Biden has no plans to resign early after deciding not to participate in the 2024 elections. The American President will work to ensure new historic results for the country. This was stated by White House Speaker Andrew Bates, CNN writes.

The speaker said Biden inherited "an economy in free fall, rising violent crime rates and collapsing alliances." Despite this, the president managed to ensure significant economic growth, the lowest crime rate in half a century, and the expansion of NATO with new members.

“He plans to complete his term in office and deliver even more historic results for the American people,” Bates said.

Biden is currently recovering at home due to confirmed coronavirus and has no events scheduled for Monday.

It should be noted that the US Federal Election Commission has received notification of the nomination of the country's Vice President Kamala Harris. More than half of the US Democratic Party senators have already supported the candidacy of the country's vice president.

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