23 July 2024, Tuesday, 16:20
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Rain Almost Washed Away 'Stability'

Rain Almost Washed Away 'Stability'

There is no one to raise rape now.

Throughout the week, with increasing bewilderment, I watched as stability witnesses rejoiced that their stability had survived.

Of course, the head of the administration Krutoi set the trend, which said that the hurricane in the Homel region was a test of stability. The hurricane showed that the system that someone had been creating for thirty years "still stood up and survived". “The system resisted and no critical consequences came.”

In short, the stability was so stable that it was not washed away by the rain. I mean, it wasn't an asteroid impact or a ten-point earthquake. Godzilla didn't go into battle with King Kong. It was just raining with a strong wind.

But the witnesses of stability rejoice as if they repelled the invasion of Martian tripods. And this is even indecent on their part to such an extent not to believe in their own stability.

Maybe not so surprising. No matter how you explain this, the stability was weak against the rain and wind. And stability witnesses know it. And you and I even know why.

But, apparently, it was not only the lack of a higher impulse. Because, even after receiving a higher impulse, they "completely restored the power supply" three or four times. And, as I suspect, they will have to restore it more than once. Because the stability witnesses have learned to lie, and there is no one to check.

Here lies very well help to reflect the invasion of an imaginary opponent on TV. And against real rain with the wind does not help at all.

In short, if stability was almost washed away by rain, then something is clearly wrong with stability. That's what it will do when real things happen, not wind and rain and an imaginary enemy invading. And I really know what it's going to do.

At first, in the absence of a higher impulse, the stability witnesses will pretend that no trouble has happened. They will have the rape corps growing, an imaginary opponent on TV will be cry with bloody tears, and grateful citizens will thank for stability.

Then the stability witnesses will get a higher impulse and the stability will immediately be brought to a state of increased mobilization. On TV.

The best forces of stability will be thrown to eliminate the consequences of trouble. On TV. They will have the rape corps growing, an imaginary opponent on TV will be cry with bloody tears, and grateful citizens will thank for stability.

Then, witnesses to the stability of senior and middle management will take effective and coordinated actions to overcome the consequences of the trouble. And everything will immediately be under control during stability. On TV.

Because stability will again withstand the test that God has sent it to make sure that it is stable. The rapeseed will spike, the imaginary opponent will cry, and the citizens will thank.

And then the stability will suddenly end. And you won't even know where it went. Because it was, maybe, not so young anymore, but it was so stable. I passed all the tests, and everything was under control just yesterday.

And today there is neither stability nor its witnesses. There is no one to raise rapeseed and make an imaginary opponent cry with bloody tears. And only grateful citizens on TV will thank for stability by inertia for some time.

The Letters to Daughter Telegram channel

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