24 July 2024, Wednesday, 21:21
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'Unprecedented Collapse And Paralysis Will Break Lukashenka'

'Unprecedented Collapse And Paralysis Will Break Lukashenka'

The dictator fears a complete blockade of railway transit by Poland.

Minsk is currently holding intensive consultations with Beijing on the threat to rail transit. The third shadow side of the consultations is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Belaruskaia Vyvedka Telegram channel writes.

Moscow and Minsk are now considering potential risks together. Moscow is trying to play a Belarusian card with China in response to Beijing's blocking of payments from the Russian Federation in yuan.

Lukashenka did not react to the "hints" of Poland and decided to do with a half-measure: to reduce the flow of migrants. "Warsaw will not dare to a long blockade of the border," that's the opinion steadily dominating at the headquarters of the dictator, at the suggestion of the Kremlin.

Telegram channel sources close to the dictator's headquarters warn that Lukashenka will break only in the event of an unprecedented massive collapse and paralysis on the railway lines, which will lead to significant losses for China and obstruction of traffic on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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