24 July 2024, Wednesday, 21:19
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Kuleba Holds Talks With Chinese Foreign Minister

Kuleba Holds Talks With Chinese Foreign Minister

It became known what they managed to agree on.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in Guangzhou.

This is reported by the press service of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Wang Yi emphasised the friendship and cooperation between China and Ukraine, noting that the two countries have been strategic partners for more than a decade. He also said that China will continue to maintain communication with Ukraine, strengthen mutual trust and develop co-operation.

China promised to continue importing food from Ukraine and maintain logistics corridors. Wang Yi expressed gratitude to Ukraine for its assistance in evacuating Chinese citizens at the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion and hoped for the continued safety of Chinese personnel in Ukraine.

Wang Yi also discussed the war in Ukraine, noting China's commitment to a political solution of the conflict and support for peace talks.

Kuleba noted the strategic partnership between Ukraine and China and expressed support for the ‘one China’ principle.

At the same time, Kuleba said Ukraine highly appreciates China's constructive role in strengthening peace and international order.

‘Having carefully studied the Six-Point Consensus of China and Brazil, Ukraine expressed readiness for reasonable and constructive negotiations with Russia to achieve a just and lasting peace,’ the statement said.

The sides also discussed international and regional issues of mutual interest.

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