28 July 2024, Sunday, 16:13
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Tuareg Rebels Smash Wagner PMCs Convoy

Tuareg Rebels Smash Wagner PMCs Convoy

Dozens of mercenaries were killed and wounded.

In the Republic of Mali (Africa), Tuareg rebels killed and wounded dozens of soldiers and mercenaries of the Russian Wagner PMC.

Reuters reported.

As the Permanent Strategic Framework for Peace, Security and Development (CSP-PSD) rebel movement noted, its fighters seized armored vehicles, trucks and armors during fighting in the border town of Tinzahuaten on Thursday and Friday.

The Malian army reported that two of its soldiers were killed and 10 were injured in the fighting. However, about 20 rebels were killed.

On Friday, during the mission, one of the army helicopters crashed in the city of Kidal, no dead.

A video from the scene after the battle was published online - you can see the footage here. You can watch the video here. Warning! +21 content!

Meanwhile, Russian publics report the death in the fighting in Mali of the administrator of the propaganda GREY ZONE Telegram channel with the call sign "White".

The Tuareg are an ethnic group inhabiting the Sahara region, in particular part of northern Mali. Many of them feel marginalized by the country's government.

The separatist group launched an uprising against the Malian junta government in 2012, but it was later intercepted by Islamist groups.

In 2015, the group signed a peace agreement with the Malian government. However, at the end of 2022, CSP-PSD withdrew from the negotiations.

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