28 July 2024, Sunday, 18:19
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Russia Is Transferring T-90M Tanks To St. Petersburg

Russia Is Transferring T-90M Tanks To St. Petersburg

The reason has been named.

The aggressor country Russia has transferred dozens of T-90M Proryv tanks from the Sertolovo training ground to St. Petersburg. The enemy was transporting armored vehicles in broad daylight to deliver them to the front in Ukraine as quickly as possible. This indicates significant losses of the Russian troops, which it is rushing to restore at the expense of reserves.

The Atesh (military and partisan movement created by Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars, Telegram channel reported. The partisans recorded the movement of enemy vehicles along the Finland Railway Bridge.

"We continue to track the numbers of the cargo platforms online together with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The next batch of Russian armored vehicles will soon again turn out to be a pile of rusty scrap metal, as it was before," the report reads.

Sertolovo is a tank training ground located approximately 1,300 km from the front line. Military unit No. 71717 is based in this settlement near St. Petersburg. It is a training center where Russian soldiers are trained, who then serve in tank and motorized rifle troops.

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