28 July 2024, Sunday, 16:21
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'This Will Be The End For Putin'

'This Will Be The End For Putin'

The British colonel voiced a real scenario.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, said that Ukraine has a realistic plan for the return of Crimea. However, for obvious reasons, the military commander cannot give the details.

Retired British Colonel Hamish Stephen de Bretton-Gordon told the 24 Channel that he agreed with the opinion of the Ukrainian lieutenant general. According to him, Ukraine can really de-occupy the peninsula, and this will be the end for Putin.

What is needed to liberate Crimea?

The naval forces destroyed the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which was defending Crimea. Ukraine is gaining more and more control over the air, taking into account the new air defense systems and the arrival of the F-16 aircraft in the near future.

If Ukraine gains air control over Crimea, this will allow ground forces, tanks, armored personnel carriers to have the freedom of maneuver to liberate the occupied peninsula.

"I believe that Crimea is definitely within Ukraine's reach in the next few months. Discussion of this is useful, because Putin knows that if he loses Crimea, it will be the end for him," the retired British colonel suggested.

Then, in his opinion, a peaceful settlement can be achieved earlier. Therefore, Crimea is definitely in the field of view of the generals in Kyiv and there is a very real opportunity to return it.

What can be the de-occupation of the peninsula?

Hamish Stephen de Bretton-Gordon noted that the liberation of Crimea is likely to occur in a combination of land and sea operations, increased pressure on the Russians, and long-range strikes.

"Ukraine, apparently, would like to return Crimea with the least losses, but this will be a big challenge," said the retired British colonel.

Ukraine controls the Black Sea and gets more air control, it becomes quite possible. He is sure that Ukraine wants to return Crimea with the least damage to its troops.

"That's real. I could not say it 6-12 months ago," the expert stressed.

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