29 July 2024, Monday, 14:23
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Halouchanka's Shameful Voyage

Halouchanka's Shameful Voyage

The family dictatorship in Nicaragua used the Prime Minister of Belarus to the fullest.

Having messed things up, the Belarusian authorities faced Western sanctions. But instead of trying to correct the terrible mistakes, the regime decided to find new partners on the Far Arc. But the farther, the more evidence that this will result in losses for our country and its citizens, writes Salidarnasc.

At a meeting on July 22, Aliaksandr Lukashenka demanded to come with Belarusian products to the Far Arc markets "seriously and for a long time". The ruler noted that trade and economic ties with Latin American countries had "resumed". He made a statement, completely detached from reality:

"It's good that you implemented this plan: Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba. Keep in mind, they want to evolve. You saw that there was an unlimited field of work. They discuss all this with each other: Ah, the Belarusians came to Nicaragua. And we really want them to come. The attitude towards us there is not bad. These are the richest countries, the United States of America will not do without them."

We are talking about Prime Minister Roman Halouchenka's recent voyage. Then the Prime Minister flew to Cuba. The results of the negotiations of the government delegation there can be assessed by the phrase "laughter through tears". To quote Halouchenka:

"There is a need [of Cuba – Ed.] for absolutely everything: food, machinery, but there are difficulties with financial resources." The solution was found by concluding contracts for the supply of goods both with direct payment and through the import of Cuban products in demand in Belarus.

The prime minister admitted that Cuba is partially insolvent, but did not explain what, if not for money, he wants to supply products there. What unleashed the fantasy: maybe in exchange for oranges? Or bananas?

But the highlight of Halouchenka's trip was a visit to Nicaragua. The Prime Minister made real intrigue calling the results of his negotiations there a "breakthrough".

First, let's dive into the context. We must give credit: the Nicaraguan authorities have found something to stand out, even against the backdrop of the odious rulers of Venezuela and Cuba. The regime in this country is called a “mafia dictatorship” or a “family dictatorship”.

The whole family is in power: husband Daniel Ortega is president, wife Rosario Murillo is vice president, and their numerous children are in senior positions in government and business. Halouchenka mainly communicated with his successor son – "adviser to the president on investment, trade and international cooperation" Laureano Facundo Ortega Murillo.

The Nicaraguan authorities make money on everything they can, including the transit of drugs and the traffic of illegal migrants (many begin with this Central American country on the way to the United States by land and you have to pay for the passage here). The money goes into the pockets of officials and security forces, and not to the poor population (according to some reports, about a million people have left a small country over the past six years due to a lack of freedom and opportunities).

So Halouchenka boasted that the government delegation signed agreements with Nicaragua worth $85 million. There is a catch. As you might guess, there is no money not only in the budget of Cuba.

Belarusian equipment will be supplied to Nicaragua for Belarusian money! The Development Bank pledged to issue a loan of $79 million.

Despite the fact that propaganda rejoices in the "historical moment", there is a persistent premonition that this money will never be returned to Belarus.

While the government hopes to someday receive payment for MAZs, Russia has long been giving buses to Nicaragua simply as a "gift".

For some unknown reason, the government delegation decided to spend a decent amount of money in Nicaragua. Local "friends" were also presented with two certificates: the first – on the transfer of an ambulance (pictured above), the second – on the allocation of grants for the training of students from Nicaragua in educational institutions in Belarus.

What gifts were given to our country? The press service of the government and the state media do not report anything about this.

But that’s not all. The "mafia dictatorship" in foreign policy isolation used Halouchenka to the fullest. The Prime Minister of Belarus turned out to be one of the most significant guests at the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the local Sandinista revolution (as well as the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin).

From left to right: Vice President and President of Nicaragua, Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and Prime Minister of Belarus

By the way, a life hack for the Lukashenka regime: in Nicaragua, they did not search for loyal representatives of the people, but drove the security forces to the rally (the security forces were also guarded by the security forces).

In general, one conclusion arises from the voyage of the government delegation: Halouchenka and the company flew to America so that it would be better for Belarusians not to fly there.

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