29 July 2024, Monday, 17:31
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Passenger Train Derails Near Volgograd, Russia

Passenger Train Derails Near Volgograd, Russia

The train crashed into a KAMAZ truck.

A passenger train derailed near Russian Volgograd. According to eyewitnesses, 7 or 8 cars overturned after colliding with a KAMAZ at an unregulated crossing, local media write.

It is known that the emergency occurred with a passenger train on the Kazan-Adler route, departing from Volgograd, and the emergency itself, judging by the online train traffic map, occurred near the Gremyachaya station on the approach to Kotelnikovo, local authorities report:

“There is a railroad crossing on the approach to Kotelnikovo, “ the interlocutor said. “It has a traffic light, but doesn’t have barriers or gates. How exactly it all happened is still unknown, but it is possible that the KAMAZ was on this crossing and the train crashed into it. 7-8 cars with people overturned.”

The footage, taken by V1.RU readers, shows a locomotive standing on the tracks, the first carriage behind it is partially on the tracks, a total of nine carriages derailed. According to the Shot Telegram channel, there were about 800 passengers on the train.

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