29 July 2024, Monday, 18:22
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AFU Liquidate Fifth Indian Mercenary

AFU Liquidate Fifth Indian Mercenary

He was fraudulently recruited into the Russian army.

A citizen of India has died in the war in Ukraine, according to his relatives, he was fraudulently recruited into the Russian army. This is reported by France Press and BBC. It is reported that this is the fifth confirmed death of an Indian citizen in the war in Ukraine this year.

It is estimated that hundreds of Indian nationals have been recruited to fight in the war on the side of Russia. The topic of demobilising them and preventing new recruitment was reportedly discussed during Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit to Moscow. Then the Indian television channel of NDTV reported, citing sources, that Indian citizens who had signed a contract with the Russian Defence Ministry and were fighting in Ukraine would be discharged and returned home.

Last week, India's foreign ministry said the authorities were continuing to seek the return of about 50 Indians who remain with the Russian army.

The brother of Ravi Moon, 22, who died in Ukraine, claims he was promised employment in Russia in the transport sector but instead was trained to handle weapons and sent to the frontline in March this year. ‘After losing contact with him, I contacted the Indian Embassy in Moscow, where we were informed that my brother had died,’ said the dead man's relative. The circumstances of his death have not been reported.

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