29 September 2024, Sunday, 6:19
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Top Commander Of Russian Air Force Communications Centre Commits Suicide

Top Commander Of Russian Air Force Communications Centre Commits Suicide

Three empty vodka bottles were found next to him.

Yury Annenkov, a high-ranking Russian commander of the Communications Centre of the Air and Space Forces in Moscow Region, committed suicide.

This was reported by the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel close to the Russian security forces.

‘Three empty bottles of vodka and empty pill packs were found next to the body, and the relatives found a suicide note at home, where the commander complains of despair and says goodbye,’ the Telegram channel's sources reported.

The tragedy occurred due to a conflict with the leadership of the unit. Recently, Yury was in a deep depression and was sharing that the conditions at the service were unbearable: lack of rest and inadequate behaviour of the command.

‘Annenkov's fellow servicemen and relatives are waiting to be summoned to give explanations, to tell about the reasons for the suicide in detail, as well as about the situation in the unit and the criminal orders of the commanders because of which the officer killed himself. Yury Annenkov had served in the Air Force for about 20 years and was one of those who tried to resist the chaos and mess in the Air Force, which manifested itself with the beginning of the war in Ukraine,’ the Telegram channel wrote.

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