17 March 2025, Monday, 0:54
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Freedom to political prisoners of Belarus demanded in Poland (Photo)


About a dozen of people staged a picket near the Belarusian consulate in Bialystok under a slogan “Freedom to Barazenka!”

Picketers are mostly students from Belarus who study in Poland thanks to Kastus Kalinouski programme.

Alyaksei Trubkin was among the picketers. He told that a few minutes after the picket a consul-general Mikhail Alyakseichyk came out to picketers and invited them for a conversation to find out the demands of the young people.

“The conversation with the consul lasted for half an hour,” Alyaksei Trubkin said for Radio Svaboda.

An activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Alyaksandr Barazenka was arrested for participation in peaceful protest rallies of market vendors on January 21 this year. His case is taken to the court. Since October 27 he is imprisoned in the remand prison of chief directorate of Internal Affairs of Minsk city executive committee. Human rights centre “Viasna” voiced a protest against Barazenka’s arrest. Protest rallies have been held in his support: in Pinsk, Brest and Minsk.

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