Official charge has been filed against political prisoner Syarhei Parsyukevich
13- 13.03.2008, 17:40
The leader of Vitsebsk entrepreneurs, a political prisoner Syarhei Parsyukevich has been officially accused by the prosecutor’s office on violation of Article 364 (“violence or a threat of violence against a policeman”) of the Criminal Code of Belarus.
A lawyer Vera Stramkouskaya has found out about that during the meeting with investigator Zmitser Razanak which took place today in the building of a remand prison in Valadarski Street, a web resource informs.
A political prisoner Syarhei Parsyukevich was arrested on March 4 for alleged “violent actions against a policeman”. Earlier Syarhei Parsyukevich was detained for participation in a meeting of entrepreneurs in Minsk and sentenced to 15 days of arrest. He spent the term in Akrestsin Street. On January 21 he was brutally beaten up by policemen, and an ambulance was called in to him. However later the policeman charged him with an attack in order to avoid charges for beating up the prisoner.
The chairman of the Council of individual entrepreneurs of “Smalenski” market in Vitsebsk Syarhei Parsyukevich is a retired police major. He retired in 2004 in the position of the head of judicial and criminalistic department. After that he started his business activities.