2 June 2024, Sunday, 8:20
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Russian political analysts: «These are sanctions, and rather serious ones”

Import ban and ban for sales of dairy products from Belarus in the Russian Federation could be viewed as economic sanctions.

It is believed by the president of “Politika” foundation Vyacheslau Nikonov. “These are sanctions already, and rather serious ones,” Nikonov said to Interfax on Saturday.

As said by him, dairy products hold prominent place in national export, and 4% of Belarusian export of daily and meat products fell at the Russian market. “It is a major and substantial blow to Belarusian manufacturers,” V. Nikonov said. As said by him, the decision of Russian authorities does not mean sanctions only, but a defense of its own manufacturers.

“Possibly, displeasure over Belarus’ policy should be there as well. Besides, Belarus was heavily subsidizing its manufacturers. Apparently, there is pressure of Russian milk lobby in the decision as well. It’s everything combined,” the political analyst said.

In addition, V. Nikonov expressed an opinion that Russia’s import ban for 500 names of milk products from Belarus can negatively influence the process of forming the customs union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

On Saturday the head of Rospotrebnadzor (the Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service), Gennadiy Onishchenko, Russia’s chief sanitary officer, told Interfax that since June 6 import and sales ban for 500 items of dairy products from Belarus is imposed, as Belarusian manufacturers do not comply with the new Russian technical regulations for milk.

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