27 September 2024, Friday, 6:58
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Deputy of Russia’s State Duma: Candidates for presidency in Belarus are limited in rights


The current president is to reply to the theses of Belarusian opposition, Russian politician thinks.

Presidential candidates in Belarus are limited in rights, being denied an opportunity to speak out in mass media during the last two weeks before the elections. This was said to Euroradio by a famous Russian journalist, Russia’s State Duma deputy Boris Reznik at the meeting with journalists from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

As a politician and a journalist, Reznik has condemned the refusal of Alyaksandr Lukashenka to take part in TV debates and to address the voters together with other candidates.

“This is the wrong approach, in my opinion (refusal to speak and appear on radio and TV. – Euroradio). There’s a “day of silence” on the eve of the elections. It’s done so all over the world. Otherwise one must be given a floor. It’s not very correct when the head of the state doesn’t take part in the debates. Opposition theses that are spoken out in public during the election campaign, must be replied”, the politician said.

Reznik assured that Russian authorities are watching closely what is going on in Belarus, but the Kremlin doesn’t have its own “protégé” among the candidates.

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