Andrei Sannikov: “Autukhovich’s case is tough nut for the regime”
37- 7.05.2010, 9:15

Absurdity of charging oppositionists with terrorism and arsons became absolutely obvious on May 6, the European Belarus leader said.
“The Belarusian punitive system has been applying incredible efforts during this year to fabricate the case over arsons and preparation of attempts upon the life of top governmental officials, one of whom is a governor of a region. People have been intimidated, thrown into prisons, there were attempts to force the leaders of Vaukavysk entrepreneurs to give evidence. We know that Lukashenka respects Hitler. There was a Reichstag fire case in Nazi Germany that crashed down. Today, Lukashenka’s case over arsons and preparation of a terrorist attack was developing before the eyes of Belarus and the whole world,” Andrei Sannikov told in an interview to
The politician thinks political prisoners Autukhovich and Asipenka should have been released on May 6.
“The regime is afraid of Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka, the men of strong will and unbending spirit, that’s why they got this mad sentence and remain in prison. Nevertheless, we can say that firmness and coherence of these heroes, Belarusian and international solidarity, support of friendly Afghan war veterans helped to gain a victory. Asipenka and Autukhovich faced the capital punishment over these accusations. The court had to dismiss the most terrible charges. The court decision cannot be appealed.
Together we continue struggling for their release. I believe we will gain this. It’s not a secret that many western diplomats and even representatives of certain international human rights organizations feel suspicious about our statements that Autukhovich, Asipenka, and Lyavonau are political prisoners and accusations against them are fabricated. Lyavonau is at large now, and absurdity of charges of oppositionists with terrorism and arsons is absolutely obvious today. It is absolutely clear for everyone now that keeping Autukhovich and Asipenka in prison is unlawful. The case of Vaukavysk entrepreneurs is tough nut for the regime,” the European Belarus campaign leader believes.
We remind that political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich, arrested in February 2009, was sentenced by the Supreme Court to 5 years and 2 months in a maximum security colony, Uladzimir Asipenka got 3 years in a minimum regime colony. The court decision cannot be appealed.